Engineering excellence: elevate, advocate, celebrate!

ACEC-Canada presents a series of events for the consulting engineering industry taking place in Ottawa on October 23-24, 2024. Join us for an unparalleled experience as we host the National Leadership Conference, Parliament Hill Day and the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards! These gatherings promise to be a unique opportunity to connect with industry professionals and thought leaders to delve into the latest trends, innovations, and collaborative solutions shaping the future of consulting engineering.

Elevate your firm with the National Leadership Conference (October 23)

Created by the industry for the industry, embark on a one-day journey of knowledge and inspiration at the National Leadership Conference. This flagship event is designed to bring together industry stakeholders and experts for discussions on key opportunities, challenges, emerging technologies, and best practices in consulting engineering. Engage in thought-provoking sessions, connect with industry leaders, and gain valuable insights that will elevate your business forward.

Click to learn more about the National Leadership Conference.

Advocate for the industry during Parliament Hill Day (October 24)

Members of Parliament (MPs) need a deeper understanding of the significant contributions made in their consistuencies by consulting engineering firms like yours. While ACEC-Canada tirelessly advocates the positive impact of our sector on Canada's economic, social, and environmental well-being, the most compelling messengers are our members. Your direct interaction with MPs as constituents during Parliament Hill Day is pivotal. As ambassadors, you effectively communicate the crucial story of our industry's positive influence, shaping policies that impact consulting engineering. Your firsthand experiences and insights become invaluable tools in fostering understanding and support among policymakers – seize this opportunity to be a part of Parliament Hill Day and make the voice of our industry heard!

Click to learn more about Parliament Hill Day.

Celebrate your success at the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards (October 24)

Step into the spotlight and celebrate the remarkable contributions of your firm at CCEA—an extraordinary evening dedicated to honoring the unparalleled impact of the consulting engineering industry on communities nationwide and beyond. It's your chance to mingle with industry peers, bask in well-deserved recognition, and forge lasting connections in an atmosphere of unparalleled celebration. Don't miss this opportunity to shine bright among the best in the business!

Click to learn more about the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.

Interested in sponsoring one or more of our events? Click the link to explore our sponsorship opportunities and reach out to Angela for more information!

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