ACEC Committees

To conduct its business, our association relies on a number of committees, task forces, and other advisory bodies. These volunteer groups (outlined below) are indispensable to the work of the association. If you would like to know more, or would like to join a committee, contact ACEC President and CEO, John Gamble, at


Budget and Finance Committee
The Budget and Finance Committee develops and recommends financial policies for the association, and provide input into the budgeting process.


Federal/Industry Real Property Advisory Council
ACEC members and other representatives of the design and construction sector meet with federal departments and agencies that employ consulting engineers to design, manage and operate their property assets to discuss business practices and policy issues.


General Reserve Investment Committee
The General Reserve Investment Committee develops policies and guidelines to direct the management and stewardship of the association's reserves.


Governance Committee
The Governance Committee recommends and reviews policies to help the Board of Directors govern with excellence and comply with applicable legislation and regulations.


Business Practices Advisory Group
The Business Practices Advisory Group provides advice and develops resources for business practices issues including the development of standard contract forms for consulting engineering projects, to be used by firms and their clients.


Allen D. Williams Scholarship Foundation
The Foundation oversees a scholarship program that allows young professionals from member firms to participate in the annual world conference, hosted by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).


ACEC national leadership conference Advisory Group
Group members identify strategies that will enhance the overall value of the conference for ACEC members and provide input for conference programming and marketing.


Diversity and inclusion steering committee
The Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee is tasked with exploring EDI strategies to make the industry and association more attractive and rewarding and recommending steps ACEC could implement to support member firms and their employees.


Executive Forum Steering Committee:
The Executive Forum Steering Committee convenes to craft and guide an exclusive event for top executives in Canada's consulting engineering sector. This committee ensures that the forum addresses the industry's most critical issues and fosters strategic discussions among its leaders.


Small Firm Forum Steering Committee:
The Small Firm Forum Steering Committee, akin to the Executive Forum's steering committee, will focus on identifying key issues and topics pertinent to small firms. This group of leaders will guide the content, format, and delivery of initiatives, while also exploring potential services and programs for ongoing consideration by ACEC and its Member Organizations.