Chair's Message

Allyson Desgroseilliers, P.Eng.
Chair, Board of Directors 2023-2024

What a year it’s been! Serving as Chair of ACEC-Canada has been a true honour and an excellent way for me to help promote our industry’s important role in almost every facet of life in Canada. Before I took on this position, I was no stranger to the incredible dedication of member firms to improve people’s daily lives. But I’ve learned more than I could have imagined from our members after having travelled to meet many of you from coast to coast. 

As members, you are on the front lines of the many challenges we face in society, notably the fight against climate change and the need for infrastructure resilience. This summer in Toronto, massive flooding had roadways submerged and public transit screeching to a halt. In Jasper, we saw families displaced and iconic landmarks destroyed due to raging wildfires. And heatwaves have shattered records once again, affecting millions of Canadians across the country. 

After yet another unprecedented year of climate extremes, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Climate change is a force that we cannot ignore, and the cost of doing nothing is too high. We must take significant and ambitious action to future-proof our communities. 

Consulting engineering firms are at the forefront of this work. As I said when I first became Chair, building a more climate resilient country will certainly require major societal shifts, but I know that our industry is ready to take on this challenge. As community builders, you’re deeply committed to the success of Canada’s towns and cities. You chose a profession that allows you to make a real, meaningful difference as we chart a course for our future. Every day, you design and develop new solutions to address these problems with agility and skill, and our country and the global community are better off thanks to you. 

The work you do, and the corresponding advocacy that we do on your behalf, has only become more essential. Everything we undertake as an organization is to help you succeed and ensure that our industry thrives. Over the past fiscal year, we’ve been able to advocate for smart infrastructure investments, promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, and deepen our strategic partnerships—all in line with our new Strategic Plan’s top priorities. There’s always more to do, and we are excited and proud to be your partners in the work we have ahead of us. 

Strengthening our industry is truly a team effort. First, I’d like to thank our Board of Directors—a talented group of professionals who were a pleasure to work with, and whose passion and commitment I deeply appreciated. 

I’d also like to extend my gratitude to the staff members and volunteers within our member organizations and firms across the country. It’s because of your hard work that we can accomplish so much together, so thank you for everything.

A huge thanks as well to President and CEO John Gamble and his entire team at ACEC-Canada. Ensuring our members’ voices are heard in Ottawa is vital, and your work is key to shaping public policy and advancing our industry’s priorities.
And finally, a warm welcome to the incoming Board of Directors and the new Chair, Jérôme Pelletier. With decades of experience as an industry leader, Jérôme is sure to serve this organization well, along with the wealth of knowledge that our new Board members bring to the table. I look forward to their continued contributions in their new roles.


Allyson Desgroseilliers, P.Eng.
Chair, Board of Directors 2023-2024