Kontur Geotechnical Consultants Inc.

Company Details

Kontur Geotechnical Consultants Inc.

107-2071 Kingsway Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3C 6N2

Phone: 7787301747


Name: Matthew Yip
Title: CEO + Principal Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Evan Sykes
Title: Director + Principal Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: J.Y. (Yoshi) Tanaka
Title: COO + Principal Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Brian Mylleville
Title: Project Manager + Senior Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Tatyana Tsvetkova
Title: Project Manager + Senior Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Shannon Davison
Title: Office Manager
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Dave Silveira
Title: Project Manager
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Ryan Fensske
Title: Project Manager
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Gody Viana
Title: Project Manager + Senior Technologist
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Diane McCulloch
Title: Executive Administrator
Phone Number: 7787301747
Name: Khidhir Jorj
Title: Project Manager + Senior Engineer
Phone Number: 7787301747


Environmental Geoscience

  • Hydrogeology & Groundwater
  • Terrain analysis / Remote Sensing


  • Aggregate Exploration and Evaluation
  • BCIN Certification
  • Earth Structures
  • Foundations
  • Geohazard Mapping
  • Laboratory Testing
  • Site Investigations
  • Soil Stabilization
  • Soil and Rock Mechanics

Mineral Geoscience

  • Rock Mechanics

Project Management

  • Construction Quality Control


  • Feasibility Studies

Surveying and Mapping

  • Aerial Photography: Photogrammetry / Photo Interpretation / Cartography
  • Resource Surveys, Exploration and Planning

Temporary Works

  • Excavation Enclosures


  • Pavement Design
  • Pavement Management Services

Branch Offices

Kontur Geotechnical Consultants Inc.
107-2071 Kingsway Avenue
Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6N2
Tel: 7787301747
Kontur Geotechnical Consultants Inc.
103 - 37768 2nd Avenue
Squamish BC V8B 0S8
Tel: 778 733 0220

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